This is how you sign Uninteresting in American Sign Language.
How to sign
To sign "Uninteresting" in American Sign Language (ASL), start with your thumb under your chin and move your hand forward slightly. Then, form "X" handshapes with both hands, thumbs up, near your chest and stomach, with the dominant hand slightly higher. Move both hands forward and transition to "A" hand shapes while shaking your head in disapproval.
How to sign
To sign "Uninteresting" in American Sign Language (ASL), position your thumb under your chin, then swiftly move your hand a few inches forward. Next, form "X" shapes with both hands, extending your thumbs upward near your chest and stomach, with the dominant hand higher up. Both hands move forward and transform into "A" handshapes while incorporating a negative headshake with this sign.
To sign "Uninteresting" in American Sign Language (ASL), position your thumb under your chin, then swiftly move your hand a few inches forward. Next, form "X" shapes with both hands, extending your thumbs upward near your chest and stomach, with the dominant hand higher up. Both hands move forward and transform into "A" handshapes while incorporating a negative headshake with this sign.
Word definition
Boring: Not fun or exciting.
Synonyms & similar words
Boring, Dull, Tedious