This is how you sign Lazy in American Sign Language.
How to sign
To sign "Lazy" in American Sign Language (ASL), firmly slap an "L" handshape against your upper left chest area three times, emphasizing the sign with a noticeable and deliberate motion. This action conveys the concept of laziness more distinctly.
How to sign
To sign "Lazy" in American Sign Language (ASL), firmly slap an "L" handshape against your upper left chest area three times, emphasizing the sign with a noticeable and deliberate motion. This action conveys the concept of laziness more distinctly.
To sign "Lazy" in American Sign Language (ASL), firmly slap an "L" handshape against your upper left chest area three times, emphasizing the sign with a noticeable and deliberate motion. This action conveys the concept of laziness more distinctly.
Word definition
Behavior: Not wanting to work or move.
Synonyms & similar words
Inactive, Idle, Lethargic