This is how you sign Regret in American Sign Language.
How to sign
To sign "Regret" in American Sign Language (ASL), extend your thumb and pinky at chin level and shake them side to side, then form an "A" handshape palm facing your chest and make several clockwise circles with it.
How to sign
To sign "Regret" in American Sign Language (ASL), extend your thumb and pinky at chin level and shake them side to side, then form an "A" handshape palm facing your chest and make several clockwise circles with it.
To sign "Regret" in American Sign Language (ASL), extend your thumb and pinky at chin level and shake them side to side, then form an "A" handshape palm facing your chest and make several clockwise circles with it.
Word definition
Feeling: Wishing you hadn't done something.
Synonyms & similar words
Sorry,Feel bad