
This is how you sign Accept in American Sign Language.

How to sign

How to sign

To sign "Own" in American Sign Language (ASL), begin with both hands in a "5" handshape. Twist both hands slowly so that the "5" handshape gradually changes into a squashed "O" handshape (where the fingers are together and slightly bent). Move your hands toward your chest, ending with your fingertips touching your chest.

To sign "Own" in American Sign Language (ASL), begin with both hands in a "5" handshape. Twist both hands slowly so that the "5" handshape gradually changes into a squashed "O" handshape (where the fingers are together and slightly bent).

Move your hands toward your chest, ending with your fingertips touching your chest.

Word definition

Receive: To take or get something offered.

Synonyms & similar words

Receive, Take

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