This is how you sign Necklace in American Sign Language.
How to sign
To sign "Necklace" in American Sign Language (ASL), place your open palm on your neck, ensuring only your index finger and thumb are in contact. Slide these fingers towards each other, meeting at the center of your neck.
How to sign
To sign "Necklace" in American Sign Language (ASL), place your open palm on your neck, ensuring only your index finger and thumb are in contact. Slide these fingers towards each other, meeting at the center of your neck.
To sign "Necklace" in American Sign Language (ASL), place your open palm on your neck, ensuring only your index finger and thumb are in contact. Slide these fingers towards each other, meeting at the center of your neck.
Word definition
Jewelry: A piece of jewelry worn around the neck.
Synonyms & similar words
neckchain, choker, pendant