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This is how you sign Bra in American Sign Language.

How to sign

How to sign

To sign "Bra" in American Sign Language (ASL), position your palms facing backward, with your index fingers pointing downward. Begin at the center of the chest to trace the outline of a bra, then move your hands apart. Finally, close the fingers by pinching the index finger and thumb together when they reach the sides.

To sign "Bra" in American Sign Language (ASL), position your palms facing backward, with your index fingers pointing downward. Begin at the center of the chest to trace the outline of a bra, then move your hands apart. Finally, close the fingers by pinching the index finger and thumb together when they reach the sides.

Word definition

Clothing: A piece of underwear worn by girls and women to support their breasts.

Synonyms & similar words

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