
This is how you sign Window in American Sign Language.

How to sign

To sign "Window" in American Sign Language (ASL), create both hands in a flat position with fingers extended and together, palms facing toward you. Place one hand on top of the other, then move your dominant hand vertically upward while keeping your non-dominant hand stationary. Afterward, bring your dominant hand back down.

How to sign

To sign "Window" in American Sign Language (ASL), create both hands in a flat position with fingers extended and together, palms facing toward you. Place one hand on top of the other, then move your dominant hand vertically upward while keeping your non-dominant hand stationary. Afterward, bring your dominant hand back down.

To sign "Window" in American Sign Language (ASL), create both hands in a flat position with fingers extended and together, palms facing toward you. Place one hand on top of the other, then move your dominant hand vertically upward while keeping your non-dominant hand stationary. Afterward, bring your dominant hand back down.

Word definition

Building Part: An opening in a wall to let in light and air.

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