This is how you sign Win in American Sign Language.
How to sign
To sign "Win" in American Sign Language in ASL, begin with your dominant hand, fingers extended and together, positioned near the side of your head. Your palm faces sideways with fingers pointing upward. Then, move your hand forward.
How to sign
To sign "win" in American Sign Language (ASL), position the non-dominant hand in the "S" handshape in front of your body. Meanwhile, start with the dominant hand in a loose "5" handshape, and transition to the "S" handshape while sweeping over the top of the non-dominant hand and then moving upward above it.
To sign "win" in American Sign Language (ASL), position the non-dominant hand in the "S" handshape in front of your body. Meanwhile, start with the dominant hand in a loose "5" handshape, and transition to the "S" handshape while sweeping over the top of the non-dominant hand and then moving upward above it.
Word definition
Competition: To come first or be the best.
Synonyms & similar words
Conquer, Triumph, Prevail