This is how you sign Vacuum in American Sign Language.
How to sign
To sign "Vacuum" in American Sign Language (ASL), begin with one fist facing up and thumb tucked in, then push it forward. With your other hand open and pointing down, bring your fingers together repeatedly, moving them upwards toward the flat, upward-facing hand.
How to sign
To sign "Vacuum" in American Sign Language (ASL), with a fist facing up and thumb covered, push the hand forward. Then, with an open hand pointing down, move the fingers together repeatedly upward toward the other hand, which is flat and facing up.
To sign "Vacuum" in American Sign Language (ASL), with a fist facing up and thumb covered, push the hand forward. Then, with an open hand pointing down, move the fingers together repeatedly upward toward the other hand, which is flat and facing up.
Word definition
Space: An empty space with no air.
Synonyms & similar words
void, emptiness