
This is how you sign Unfriendly in American Sign Language.

How to sign

How to sign

To sign "Unfriendly" in American Sign Language (ASL), the fingers wiggle as you move both hands backward. The sign starts a few inches in front of your head and moves backward until the hands are even with, or a little bit behind your face. Then, use a negation sign (shaking your head slightly) to indicate "not" or the absence of friendliness.

To sign "Unfriendly" in American Sign Language (ASL), start with your thumb under your chin and move your hand forward slightly. Then, wiggle your fingers while moving both hands backward, beginning a few inches in front of your head and continuing until they’re level with or slightly behind your face. Add a slight head shake to convey a lack of friendliness.

Word definition

Behavior: Not kind or nice.

Synonyms & similar words

Hostile, Unkind, Mean, Cold

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