
This is how you sign Undershirt in American Sign Language.

How to sign

How to sign

To sign "Undershirt" in American Sign Language (ASL), form your dominant hand into a flat, open palm, fingers together. Place your non-dominant hand in a horizontal position, palm facing down. Move your dominant hand (palm down) under your non-dominant hand. Then, slightly pinch the neck hole of your garment.

To sign "Undershirt" in American Sign Language (ASL), begin with both hands flat and fingers together. Place your non-dominant hand with the palm facing down. Next, move your dominant hand in a circular motion below the non-dominant hand, also with the palm down. Then slightly pinch the neck hole of your garment. 

Word definition

Clothing: A piece of clothing worn under a shirt.

Synonyms & similar words

T-shirt, tank top, singlet

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