This is how you sign Under in American Sign Language.
How to sign
To sign "Under" in American Sign Language (ASL), begin with both hands flat, fingers together. Place your non-dominant hand with the palm facing down. Next, move your dominant hand in a circular motion below the non-dominant hand, also with the palm down.
How to sign
To sign "Under" in American Sign Language (ASL), form your dominant hand into a flat, open palm, fingers together. Non-Dominant Hand (NDH): Place your non-dominant hand in a horizontal position, palm facing down. Movement: Move your dominant hand (palm down) in circular motion under your non-dominant hand.
To sign "Under" in American Sign Language (ASL), form your dominant hand into a flat, open palm, fingers together. Non-Dominant Hand (NDH): Place your non-dominant hand in a horizontal position, palm facing down. Movement: Move your dominant hand (palm down) in circular motion under your non-dominant hand.
Word definition
Position: Below something.
Synonyms & similar words
Beneath, Below