
This is how you sign Twins in American Sign Language.

How to sign

To sign "Twins" in American Sign Language (ASL), form a "V" shape with your dominant hand. Place the "V" shape on one side of your chin, then slide it to the other side of your chin.

How to sign

To sign “Twins” in American Sign Language (ASL), starts by hold up the number two with your dominant hand, keeping your index and middle fingers extended and the other fingers folded down. Then, move your hand slightly to show the concept of two things being together.

To sign “Twins” in American Sign Language (ASL), starts by hold up the number two with your dominant hand, keeping your index and middle fingers extended and the other fingers folded down. Then, move your hand slightly to show the concept of two things being together. 

Word definition

Family: Two children born to the same mother at the same time.

Synonyms & similar words

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