This is how you sign Today in American Sign Language.
How to sign
To sign "Today" in American Sign Language (ASL), form the "Y" handshape by closing your hands, extending only the thumb and pinky, with palms facing up. Then, with the "Y" shape made, move your hands down a few inches twice.
How to sign
To sign "Today" in American Sign Language(ASL), create the "Y" handshape by closing both hands and leaving only the thumb and pinky extended, with your palms facing upward. After forming the "Y" shape, lower your hands a few inches downward.
To sign "Today" in American Sign Language(ASL), create the "Y" handshape by closing both hands and leaving only the thumb and pinky extended, with your palms facing upward. After forming the "Y" shape, lower your hands a few inches downward.
Word definition
Time: This day; right now.
Synonyms & similar words
Now, Present Day