This is how you sign Text in American Sign Language.
How to sign
How to sign
To sign "Text" in American Sign Language (ASL), start by forming a fist with your dominant hand and position your thumb up at the side of the fist. Ensure both palms are facing each other with a small gap between them. Move your thumb up and down repeatedly. Next, shape your dominant hand into a closed fist, similar to the letter 'S,' with your palm facing down. Tap the wrist or side of your non-dominant fist with your dominant fist. Finally, transition by extending your index finger forward from the fist position.
To sign "Text" in American Sign Language (ASL), begin by making a fist with your dominant hand and placing your thumb upwards at the side of the fist. Make sure both palms face each other, separated by a small space. Then, flick your thumb up and down several times. After that, form a closed fist with your dominant hand, resembling the letter 'S', and with your palm facing downwards. Tap the wrist or side of your nondominant hand with your dominant fist. Conclude by straightening your index finger out from the fist.
Word definition
Writing: Words written or printed.
Synonyms & similar words
Words, Writing, Print