This is how you sign Tea in American Sign Language.
How to sign
To sign "Tea" in American Sign Language (ASL), make an "F" handshape with your dominant hand and an "O" handshape with your non-dominant hand. Then, tap the tips of your index finger and thumb from the "F" handshape to the "O" handshape on your non-dominant hand.
How to sign
To sign "Tea" in American Sign Language (ASL), use an "F" handshape on your dominant hand and a "O" handshape on your non-dominant hand. With ends of index finger and thumb tapping the “O” handshape on your non-dominant hand.
To sign "Tea" in American Sign Language (ASL), use an "F" handshape on your dominant hand and a "O" handshape on your non-dominant hand. With ends of index finger and thumb tapping the “O” handshape on your non-dominant hand.
Word definition
Drink: A hot drink made by soaking dried leaves in water.
Synonyms & similar words
Drink, Brew