This is how you sign Spouse in American Sign Language.
How to sign
How to sign
To sign "spouse" in American Sign Language (ASL), clasp your hands comfortably together with your dominant hand on top of your non-dominant hand, palms touching. Next, make "V" handshapes with both hands, with your non-dominant "V" palm facing up and your dominant "V" facing down. Wiggle your dominant index and middle fingers as they alternately touch the tips of your non-dominant index and middle fingers.
To sign "Spouse" in American Sign Language (ASL), comfortably join your hands with the dominant hand above the non-dominant hand, palms together. Next, create "V" shapes with both hands, the non-dominant "V" facing up and the dominant "V" facing down. Gently wiggle the index and middle fingers of your dominant hand, alternating contact with the tips of the corresponding fingers on the non-dominant hand.
Word definition
Family: A husband or wife.
Synonyms & similar words
Husband, Wife