This is how you sign Sink in American Sign Language.
How to sign
How to sign
To sign "Sink" in American Sign Language (ASL), curve both hands at the center of your body and pulling them upward, with palms facing up the whole time. The sign is completed by twisting both hands over, with fingers pointing downward, as if closing or opening the knobs of a faucet.
To sign "Sink" in American Sign Language (ASL), start by curving both hands at the center of your body and pulling them upwards, keeping your palms facing up throughout. The sign is finalized by rotating both hands so that your fingers point downwards, mimicking the motion of closing or opening faucet knobs.
Word definition
Fixture: A bowl or basin for washing.
Synonyms & similar words
Basin, Washbasin, Lavatory
How to sign
Word definition
Drop: Go down.
Synonyms & similar words
Descend, Drop, Submerge, Plunge