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This is how you sign Sheep in American Sign Language.

How to sign

How to sign

To sign "Sheep" in American Sign Language (ASL), forming the letter "V" with your right hand (if you are right handed). Your left forearm is extended with your hand either closed or open, palm downward. Bring the right hand down onto the top of the left forearm, clip a bit of hair (as if your index and middle fingers were scissors).

To sign "Sheep" in American Sign Language (ASL), make a "V" shape with your dominant hand. Stretch your non-dominant arm out in front of you, with the hand either closed or open and the palm facing downwards. Next, lower your dominant hand onto the top of your non-dominant forearm, simulating the shearing action with your index and middle fingers resembling scissors.

Word definition

Animal: A fluffy farm animal often raised for wool and meat.

Synonyms & similar words

Lamb, Ewe, Ram

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