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This is how you sign Separate in American Sign Language.

How to sign

How to sign

To sign "Separate" in American Sign Language (ASL), you can follow these steps: 1. Begin with both hands open, palms facing each other, and slightly bent from the base knuckles. 2. Bring the back of the fingertips of each hand together. 3. Move your hands apart, emphasizing the separation or splitting motion.

To sign "Separate" in American Sign Language (ASL), execute the following steps:

1. Begin with both hands open, palms facing one another, and fingers gently curved at the base joints.

2. Bring the backs of the fingertips of each hand to touch.

3. Next, draw your hands away from each other to illustrate the idea of separation or division.

Word definition

Divide: To keep apart or split.

Synonyms & similar words

Divide, Split, Part

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