This is how you sign Scientist in American Sign Language.
How to sign
How to sign
To sign "Scientist" in American Sign Language (ASL), follow these steps: 1. Start with both hands in the 'S' handshape. Make a small circular motion with your hands near your chest. 2. Align both hands in a parallel position, forming a 'B' handshape with fingertips pointing forward. Move them smoothly from chest level to stomach level, creating a parallel line.
To sign "Scientist" in American Sign Language (ASL), you should:
1. Begin with both hands in the 'S' handshape and make a small circular motion near your chest.
2. Then, position both hands parallel to each other, switching to a 'B' handshape with your fingertips pointing outwards. Lower them in unison from the level of your chest to your stomach, maintaining the parallel alignment.
Word definition
Job: A person who studies things in nature or does experiments.
Synonyms & similar words
Researcher, Experimenter, Analyst