This is how you sign Scared in American Sign Language.
How to sign
To sign "Scared" in American Sign Language (ASL), start with both hands open in the "5" handshape at your sides. Then, bring both hands inward in front of your body with your palms facing you and your fingers spread out.
How to sign
To sign "Scared" in American Sign Language (ASL), begin with both hands open, either in closed fists, by your sides and bring both hands inward in front of your body. Your palms should face inward, and your fingers should be spread out in the "5" handshape
To sign "Scared" in American Sign Language (ASL), begin with both hands open, either in closed fists, by your sides and bring both hands inward in front of your body. Your palms should face inward, and your fingers should be spread out in the "5" handshape
Word definition
Feeling: Afraid or frightened.
Synonyms & similar words
Afraid, Frightened, Terrified, Fearful