This is how you sign Remove in American Sign Language.
How to sign
To sign "Remove" in American Sign Language (ASL), start with your dominant hand, palm down, above your flat non-dominant hand, touch palms together, then pull the dominant hand away to form an "S" handshape and open it to a "5" handshape, palm down.
How to sign
To sign "Remove" in American Sign Language (ASL), start with your dominant hand, palm down, above your flat non-dominant hand, touch palms together, then pull the dominant hand away to form an "S" handshape and open it to a "5" handshape, palm down.
To sign "Remove" in American Sign Language (ASL), start with your dominant hand, palm down, above your flat non-dominant hand, touch palms together, then pull the dominant hand away to form an "S" handshape and open it to a "5" handshape, palm down.
Word definition
Action: To take away something.
Synonyms & similar words
Take away, Delete, Eliminate, Discard, Extract