This is how you sign President in American Sign Language.
How to sign
To sign "President" in American Sign Language (ASL), begin with loosely-clawed hands positioned near or touching the upper sides of your head, palms facing out. Then, move both hands outward and upward in a gentle curved motion, transitioning into the "S" handshape.
How to sign
To sign "President" in American Sign Language (ASL), begin with loosely-clawed hands positioned near or touching the upper sides of your head, palms facing out. Then, move both hands outward and upward in a gentle curved motion, transitioning into the "S" handshape.
To sign "President" in American Sign Language (ASL), begin with loosely-clawed hands positioned near or touching the upper sides of your head, palms facing out. Then, move both hands outward and upward in a gentle curved motion, transitioning into the "S" handshape.
Word definition
Leader: The head of a country or organization.
Synonyms & similar words
Leader, Chief, Head, Boss