
This is how you sign Mittens in American Sign Language.

How to sign

To sign "Mittens" in American Sign Language (ASL), with your dominant hand, grab something over your non-dominant open palm, then switch hands and repeat the motion, mimicking the action of putting on a mitten.

How to sign

To sign "Mittens" in American Sign Language (ASL), with your dominant hand, grab something over your non-dominant open palm, then switch hands and repeat the motion, mimicking the action of putting on a mitten.

To sign "Mittens" in American Sign Language (ASL), with your dominant hand, grab something over your non-dominant open palm, then switch hands and repeat the motion, mimicking the action of putting on a mitten.

Word definition

Clothing: Warm coverings for your hands, with a separate part for your thumb.

Synonyms & similar words


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