This is how you sign Middle in American Sign Language.
How to sign
To sign "Middle" in American Sign Language (ASL), begin by hovering your dominant hand with an open palm above your non-dominant open palm. Next, gently lower your dominant hand's middle finger, pressing it into the upturned palm of your non-dominant hand.
How to sign
To sign "Middle" in American Sign Language (ASL), begin by hovering your dominant hand with an open palm above your non-dominant open palm. Next, gently lower your dominant hand's middle finger, pressing it into the upturned palm of your non-dominant hand.
To sign "Middle" in American Sign Language (ASL), begin by hovering your dominant hand with an open palm above your non-dominant open palm. Next, gently lower your dominant hand's middle finger, pressing it into the upturned palm of your non-dominant hand.
Word definition
Position: The center part of something.
Synonyms & similar words
Center, Midpoint, Median