This is how you sign Library in American Sign Language.
How to sign
To sign "Library" in American Sign Language (ASL), form an "L" with your hand and gently circle it in the air. As you do this, ensure that the circle moves clockwise from your perspective and counterclockwise from the other person's perspective, creating a harmonious visual representation of library.
How to sign
To sign "Library" in American Sign Language (ASL), form an "L" with your hand and gently circle it in the air. As you do this, ensure that the circle moves clockwise from your perspective and counterclockwise from the other person's perspective, creating a harmonious visual representation of library.
To sign "Library" in American Sign Language (ASL), form an "L" with your hand and gently circle it in the air. As you do this, ensure that the circle moves clockwise from your perspective and counterclockwise from the other person's perspective, creating a harmonious visual representation of library.
Word definition
Building: A place with lots of books you can read or borrow.
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