
This is how you sign Fitness in American Sign Language.

How to sign

To sign "Fitness" in American Sign Language (ASL), begin with your arms down, both hands clenched into fists with thumbs and fingers facing towards you. Proceed to bend your forearms at the elbow, pulling them up towards your body, and repeat this motion several times.

How to sign

To sign "Fitness" in American Sign Language (ASL), begin with your arms down, both hands clenched into fists with thumbs and fingers facing towards you. Proceed to bend your forearms at the elbow, pulling them up towards your body, and repeat this motion several times.

To sign "Fitness" in American Sign Language (ASL), begin with your arms down, both hands clenched into fists with thumbs and fingers facing towards you. Proceed to bend your forearms at the elbow, pulling them up towards your body, and repeat this motion several times.

Word definition

Health: Being strong and healthy.

Synonyms & similar words

Health, Wellness

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