This is how you sign Fire truck in American Sign Language.
How to sign
How to sign
To sign "Fire truck" in American Sign Language (ASL), follow these steps: 1. Use open "4" handshapes with your fingers spread apart. Wiggle your fingers while moving your hands on your forehead, as if representing flames. 2. Form a bent "3" handshape with both hands. 3. Move your hands in a manner that outlines the shape of a long truck.
To sign "Fire truck" in American Sign Language (ASL), follow these steps:
1. Use open "4" handshapes with your fingers spread apart. Wiggle your fingers while moving your hands on your forehead, as if representing flames.
2. Form a bent "3" handshape with both hands.
3. Move your hands in a manner that outlines the shape of a long truck.
Word definition
Vehicle: A truck used to put out fires.
Synonyms & similar words
Fire engine