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This is how you sign Fence in American Sign Language.

How to sign

How to sign

To sign "Fence" in American Sign Language (ASL), form "4"-hands positioned in front of the body's neutral space, pointing at each other, with the tips of the middle fingers nearly touching and palms facing backward. Proceed by moving your hands outward, away from each other, toward your sides.

To sign "Fence" in American Sign Language (ASL), form "4"-hands positioned in front of the body's neutral space, pointing at each other, with the tips of the middle fingers nearly touching and palms facing backward. Proceed by moving your hands outward, away from each other, toward your sides.

Word definition

Structure: A barrier made of wood, wire, or other material to keep animals or people in or out.

Synonyms & similar words

Barrier, Wall, Enclosure, Guardrail

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