
This is how you sign Elephant in American Sign Language.

How to sign

To sign "Elephant" in American Sign Language (ASL), shape one hand by pressing the fingers together and cupping them slightly. Bring the hand up to your nose and gently wave it down in an arc, simulating the appearance of a long elephant's trunk.

How to sign

To sign "Elephant" in American Sign Language (ASL), shape one hand by pressing the fingers together and cupping them slightly. Bring the hand up to your nose and gently wave it down in an arc, simulating the appearance of a long elephant's trunk.

To sign "Elephant" in American Sign Language (ASL), shape one hand by pressing the fingers together and cupping them slightly. Bring the hand up to your nose and gently wave it down in an arc, simulating the appearance of a long elephant's trunk.

Word definition

Animal: A large mammal with a trunk and big ears.

Synonyms & similar words

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