This is how you sign Earthquake in American Sign Language.
How to sign
How to sign
To sign "Earthquake" in American Sign Language (ASL), combine the signs for "earth" and a shaking motion. Start by signing "earth", form your non-dominant hand into a fist and hold it steady in front of you. Take your open, dominant, then grasp your non-dominant fist on either side with your thumb and middle finger. Then, perform a shaking motion with both "S" hands held apart in lower space, palms down, moving them alternately in the opposite direction, forward and backward a few times.
To sign "Earthquake" in American Sign Language (ASL), combine the signs for "earth" and a shaking motion. Start by signing "earth", form your non-dominant hand into a fist and hold it steady in front of you. Take your open, dominant, then grasp your non-dominant fist on either side with your thumb and middle finger. Then, perform a shaking motion with both "S" hands held apart in lower space, palms down, moving them alternately in the opposite direction, forward and backward a few times.
Word definition
Nature: Shaking of the ground.
Synonyms & similar words
temblor, tremor, seismic activity