
This is how you sign Disease in American Sign Language.

How to sign

To sign "Disease" in American Sign Language (ASL), create a facial expression that conveys illness. Simultaneously, point to your forehead with your dominant hand and to your stomach with your non-dominant hand. Use the middle finger of each open hand with fingers splayed out when pointing to your forehead and stomach at the same time.

How to sign

To sign "Disease" in American Sign Language (ASL), create a facial expression that conveys illness. Simultaneously, point to your forehead with your dominant hand and to your stomach with your non-dominant hand. Use the middle finger of each open hand with fingers splayed out when pointing to your forehead and stomach at the same time.

To sign "Disease" in American Sign Language (ASL), create a facial expression that conveys illness. Simultaneously, point to your forehead with your dominant hand and to your stomach with your non-dominant hand. Use the middle finger of each open hand with fingers splayed out when pointing to your forehead and stomach at the same time.

Word definition

Health: Sickness that harms the body.

Synonyms & similar words

Illness, Sickness, Ailment

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