This is how you sign Dinner in American Sign Language.
How to sign
How to sign
To sign "Dinner" in American Sign Language (ASL), combine the signs for "eat" and "evening." Begin adding the sign for "eat," which is done by placing your dominant hand in front of your mouth with all fingers together. Then, using your dominant hand to travel with fingers together and palm down on top of your non-dominant hand to represent "evening."
To sign "Dinner" in American Sign Language (ASL), combine the signs for "eat" and "evening." Begin adding the sign for "eat," which is done by placing your dominant hand in front of your mouth with all fingers together. Then, using your dominant hand to travel with fingers together and palm down on top of your non-dominant hand to represent "evening."
Word definition
Meal: The main meal of the day, usually eaten in the evening.
Synonyms & similar words