This is how you sign Blender in American Sign Language.
How to sign
How to sign
To sign "Blender" in American Sign Language (ASL), hold both hands in a modified five handshape, with the middle finger bent at the large knuckle. Place one hand with the palm facing downward and the other hand with the palm facing upward, maintaining a short separation between them. Move the hands upward multiple times in a repeated motion.
To sign "Blender" in American Sign Language (ASL), hold both hands in a modified five handshape, with the middle finger bent at the large knuckle. Place one hand with the palm facing downward and the other hand with the palm facing upward, maintaining a short separation between them. Move the hands upward multiple times in a repeated motion.
Word definition
Appliance: A machine used to mix or chop food.
Synonyms & similar words
Mixer, Food Processor