This is how you sign Bee in American Sign Language.
How to sign
To sign "Bee" in American Sign Language (ASL), touch the side of your mouth with your index and thumb together, while the other fingers are extended. Then, extend all fingers with the thumb closed and slide the index finger forward along your face.
How to sign
To sign “Bee” in American Sign Language in ASL, begin the sign by holding your dominant hand open, with your thumb and index finger forming the letter "F" and touching to resemble a small bee. Press the tips of these fingers against your cheek. Then, extend all your fingers except the thumb to transition into the letter "B" handshape.
To sign “Bee” in American Sign Language in ASL, begin the sign by holding your dominant hand open, with your thumb and index finger forming the letter "F" and touching to resemble a small bee. Press the tips of these fingers against your cheek. Then, extend all your fingers except the thumb to transition into the letter "B" handshape.
Word definition
Insect: A small flying insect that makes honey.
Synonyms & similar words