This is how you sign Bake in American Sign Language.
How to sign
To sign "Bake" in American Sign Language (ASL), one flat hand pushes forward, palm up and fingertips forward, beneath the other hand, which faces down with fingertips pointing sideways.
How to sign
To sign “Bake” in American Sign Language in ASL, shape both hands into flat "B" handshapes, with fingers together and extended and thumbs tucked in. Position your non-dominant hand palm down at chest level, as though it represents the surface of a table or oven. Slide your dominant hand, palm up, underneath the non-dominant hand, mimicking the action of sliding something onto an oven shelf or table.
To sign “Bake” in American Sign Language in ASL, shape both hands into flat "B" handshapes, with fingers together and extended and thumbs tucked in. Position your non-dominant hand palm down at chest level, as though it represents the surface of a table or oven. Slide your dominant hand, palm up, underneath the non-dominant hand, mimicking the action of sliding something onto an oven shelf or table.
Word definition
Cooking: To cook in an oven.
Synonyms & similar words
Cook, Roast