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What Is ASL (American Sign Language)?

If you always wanted to know more about American Sign Language (ASL), you've come to the right place. Read this guide to find out about ASL and its origins.

Updated on August 22, 2024
5 min read
Summary: American Sign Language (ASL) is a complete, natural visual language used by Deaf and Hard of Hearing people. ASL is its own language and it differs from English in many aspects.

According to the Commission on the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, there are over 500,000 American Sign Language users in the US. 

This makes ASL the third most popular language in the country. It's even used in some parts of Europe and Africa. 

But what is ASL exactly?

American Sign Language is a natural, visual language mainly used by people who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. 

ASL is recognized as the official sign language of the American Deaf community.

If you want to learn about the origins of ASL and how it works, keep reading. This article will tell you everything you need to know about American Sign Language. 

What Is American Sign Language?

American Sign Language (ASL) is a complete, natural visual language used by Deaf and Hard of Hearing people.

ASL relies on visual communication through:

  • Hand shapes
  • Facial expressions
  • Body movements

It has the same linguistic properties as spoken languages. But its grammar differs from English grammar.

For example, ASL uses a topic-comment structure. Facial expressions can function as grammatical markers.

ASL is primarily used by the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing communities in the United States. Like other spoken languages, it has regional dialects and variations.

It's important to know that ASL is not a universal language. Other countries have their own sign languages. This includes British Sign Language (BSL) and French Sign Language (LSF).

ASL is used in various settings. This includes education, media, and daily communication among members of the Deaf community.

It's also learned by hearing people who work with or are friends and family members of deaf individuals.

What Are the Origins of ASL?

The origins of American Sign Language (ASL) are a blend of influences and historical developments.

Sign language can be traced back to the early 1700s. At this time, Deaf communities started to emerge in different corners of the country. 

These communities were very small and consisted of only a few people. Many of these people were only Hard of Hearing. 

One of these Deaf communities was Martha's Vineyard, an island in Massachusetts.

These Deaf communities came up with hand gestures and facial expressions to communicate.

The signs led to effective communication between Deaf speakers. But none of these sign languages were officially termed American Sign Language. 

Instead, people named the sign language after the community it was from. For instance, the sign language used by Deaf residents in Martha's Vineyard was known as the Martha's Vineyard Sign Language (MVSL).

About a hundred years later, different countries began to develop their sign languages. 

In 1817, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet and Laurent Clerc co-founded the American School for the Deaf in Hartford, Connecticut.

The school was focused on Deaf education in America. It was the birthplace of American Sign Language.

In the school, the teachers combined native sign languages in the United States, like Martha's Vineyard Sign Language, with signs. Students used this sign language between themselves in this school to form American Sign Language.

The development of this language was reinforced in 1960. William Stokoe led a team that produced the first American Sign Language dictionary.

The dictionary contained the grammar, vocabulary, language system, and rules of syntax of ASL.

When Was ASL Recognized as an Official Language?

The recognition of ASL as a language started in 1817 with the establishment of the first American school for the Deaf. 

After this event, people started to pay attention to sign language. They were interested in how signers used ASL to communicate with each other.

There was still a lot of confusion and skepticism about this sign language during this period.

But in 1864, Abraham Lincoln signed a charter that recognized the use of American Sign Language in the country. 

The document led to the establishment of the first Deaf university the same year: Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. 

This charter allowed Gallaudet University to award degrees to deserving signers.

William Stokoe published the first ASL dictionary in 1960. This led to several schools teaching ASL.

After that, more and more people wanted to learn American Sign Language.

The Grammar and Vocabulary of ASL

Many people believe that American Sign Language is a spoken version of English. By that logic, rules of syntax, grammar, and vocabulary would be the same.

Others believe that ASL is a way of expressing English words through signs and facial expressions.

These assumptions are all false. 

ASL has its own unique language system. It's very different from the words and phrases used in spoken English.

The Difference Between ASL and American English Grammar

American Sign Language is a visual language. To understand it, you have to watch and observe.

This is different from the English language system which you have to hear to understand.

ASL consists of a combination of different signs, hand gestures, and facial expressions.

In ASL, a single sign or hand movement can convey the same information as a whole sentence in spoken English.

For instance, in spoken English, to change a statement to a question, you have to change the word order. You also have to add the phrase "do or did" at the beginning and change the tense of the verb.

So, "You go to school." becomes "Do you go to school?" Also, "He did that" becomes "Did he do that?" 

Note that in the second instance, "did" had to be changed to "do" to fit into the context. This is all part of English grammar. 

In ASL grammar, you can change a statement to a question simply by raising your eyebrow.

Feelings like sadness, happiness, and excitement are expressed using facial expressions. In ASL, signers have to pay attention to the other signer's face. 

You can see the manual signs made through your peripheral vision. But the tone and expression of the statement are expressed with facial expressions.

This is why eye contact and the cognitive development of your peripheral vision are important for learning sign language.

In other spoken languages, you have to include an object or subject in your sentence. In sign language, the direction of the hand indicates who is being addressed.

ASL has its dictionary, alphabet, phrases, grammar, and vocabulary.

Laws and Institutions That Protect and Promote ASL


Several laws guide and promote the recognition of American Sign Language in the US. This includes international, federal, and state laws.

The very first of these laws was the 1864 bill signed by Abraham Lincoln. It allowed Gallaudet University to give degrees to deserving signers.

This law promoted the learning and use of American Sign Language everywhere in the country. People could now earn degrees in ASL, which sparked more interest.

Different laws now protect the use of ASL between signers in the country. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 is one such law. 

It's a civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against people with disabilities. It allows for equal opportunities for people who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing.

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is another example. 

It enables students with disabilities to learn through special aids and programs. People who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing can learn ASL without obstacles.


Several institutions were established to safeguard and promote the recognition of American Sign Language in the United States. 

In the education sector, we have:

  1. Gallaudet University in Washington DC
  2. The National Technical Institute for The Deaf in New York
  3. The Southwest College for The Deaf in Texas

Many institutions and organizations were established for everything Deaf-related in the country. These include: 

  1. The National Association of The Deaf (NAD)
  2. The American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)
  3. the Registry of Interpreters for The Deaf (RID)

These institutions have all been established to guard and protect the use of ASL among Deaf people and Hearing people.

The National Association Of The Deaf (NAD) values and protects the teaching, learning, and acquisition of American Sign Language. 

The NAD was created in part to promote and preserve ASL as a legitimate language. It also promotes ASL as an optimal educational tool for Deaf children and adults.

Some states also have departments and organizations for people who are Hard of Hearing. These include:

  1. The Massachusetts Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
  2. The Kentucky Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
  3. The Arizona Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing 

What Is ASL Proficiency?

The American Sign Language proficiency level is how a person's mastery of ASL is measured.

It ranges from 0-5. The lowest level is 0, and the highest level of ASL mastery is 5.

To know which level you are at, you have to take the American Sign Language Proficiency Interview (ASLPI). 

The interview includes a face-to-face assessment of a person's mastery of ASL. 

After the interview, you will be graded based on your ability to sign and understand ASL.

Level 0

This is the lowest level of ASL proficiency. 

Signers at this level are usually beginners with very little to no understanding of ASL.

This includes understanding the manual alphabet, signs, expressions, and grammar. 

People who are only starting their ASL learning journey are usually at this level.

After some time and practical experience, signers at this level can:

  • Identify everyday objects
  • Exchange greetings
  • Give basic background information like their name, age, and gender
  • Memorize basic vocabulary

Level 1

This is the next stage of ASL sign language proficiency. Signers at this level understand basic sign language. 

This includes exchanging greetings, answering simple questions, and understanding basic signs. 

At this level, signers tend to make a lot of mistakes. They have minimal knowledge of ASL. That's why their sentences are usually short, simple, and repetitive. 

Signers still use a memorized vocabulary. At this stage, they can sign more words than those at level 0.

Level 2

Signers at this level can communicate with more confidence. 

Signers make fewer errors, and they can communicate on familiar topics. These topics can range from social discussions to family and trending themes. 

Signers at this level might shy away from unfamiliar topics. That's why they might prefer using memorized phrases and responses.

The signer usually reacts slowly at this level. It takes them a while to decode messages and understand signs.

The comprehension at this level is basic. Responses to questions are less expressive and short. 

When reaching this level, the signer also knows when they should correct their own mistakes.

Level 3

At this level, signers can communicate with ease.

They can discuss familiar and unfamiliar topics with a relative degree of accuracy.

Their vocabulary is also broad. By this time, they have memorized and come across different phrases and signs. 

They can communicate at the paragraph discourse level. They now have improved knowledge of ASL vocabulary and grammar structure.

But they might find it hard to give detailed descriptions or in-depth explanations.

These signers can ask different questions to gather information. That's why their ability to correct their own mistakes is better at this stage.

Level 4

At this level, signers can express information very accurately and precisely.

There are very few errors at this stage. But the signer may struggle with NMS (non-manual signs) and depiction. 

Signers at this level are confident to sign familiar and unfamiliar topics. 

They can ask questions, give direct and extensive answers, and even discuss topics above the paragraph discourse level. 

Their level of comprehension is also very good.

Level 5

This is the highest level of ASL mastery. It's only given to signers with advanced American Sign Language knowledge. 

At this level, your understanding of ASL vocabulary and grammar structure is improved. 

Signers at this level can even teach sign language. They can also engage in long discussions on familiar or unfamiliar topics.

The comprehension level is great, and signers can ask questions with ease.

Passing information at this level is also done with a high degree of accuracy. Level 5 signers of ASL are known to be interpreters, professors, and researchers. 

At this level, a signer can express opinions and discuss complex matters without making mistakes.

The Importance of ASL in the United States 

Efficient knowledge and mastery of ASL come with many perks. 

Here are some of the most important benefits of learning ASL:

  • American Sign Language is used as a form of communication between people who are Deaf or Hard Of Hearing.
  • American Sign Language is an integral part of Deaf culture in the United States.
  • American Sign Language can open doors for you career-wise.
  • ASL can help you learn other sign languages.

ASL is the official language of the Deaf community in the US. It aids communication between Deaf and Hard of Hearing individuals.

ASL is also important because it allows the Deaf community to participate in the country's political and decision-making processes. 

Learning ASL helps bridge the gap between the Deaf and Hearing community. It helps create a society where everyone feels included. 

ASL isn't in high demand only within the United States, but in other countries too. The need for sign language interpreters and linguists continues to grow around the country. 

If you know ASL, you can:

  1. Offer sign language interpreting services
  2. Teach ASL
  3. Work in government agencies and publication departments
  4. Conduct research in technical companies

As Hearing students, learning sign language adds you to a short line of people with great oral skills and American Sign Language knowledge. 

Learning ASL doesn't just teach you a new language. It also teaches you about the Deaf culture. 

You will learn about the history, growth, and development of ASL. This also includes learning about important Deaf people over the years. 

As a natural sign language, ASL helps signers with language development. It can also help with learning other forms of sign language. 

As an ASL user, you can use sign language to improve your communication skills.‍

The Importance of ASL

American Sign Language (ASL) is a visual natural language used by the Deaf and Hard of Hearing community in the US.

It uses signs made with the hands, arms, and face to communicate ideas and feelings.

Its origins can be traced back to the 1800s when Gallaudet and Clerc founded the first school for the Deaf.

The importance of learning ASL is backed by different laws and institutions that promote its use in the Deaf and hearing community.

If you want to learn ASL, you can use our ASL Bloom app. You will be able to learn new signs every day and improve your sign language abilities. 

You can download the app on your iPhone or Android device and start learning ASL today.

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